Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Our Father wants to know us. He wants to build a relationship that is more than just being a Father figure that heads over us, demanding respect, showing authority. He demands our praise and adoration. We are to fear Him daily, in reverence. But at the same time, He is the our affectionate Daddy, Papa. He wants to grow closer to us as we grow closer to Him. Who wants to know you more intimately and loves you more than this God of the world, a God of wrath and destruction. These were times of despair for Him, but yet of necessity. Yet, we have the opportunity to find a God of love and involvement. He sits on His throne, receiving praise and honor, from every angel and entity. Yet he wants to know me? He wants me to know Him, intimately, to be a Papa. He loved us enough to send His Son, to bring life through death and destruction.


Jesus sits at the right hand of God, interceding on our behalf, to His Papa. He is praying for our hearts and our words, speaking through Holy Spirit. The life He lived was that which was contrary to the government, to the people, and to the world. Still today, it is that same radical, out of the ordinary, set Him apart from the world. And we as the ones who inherit this call to live as such, takes a great deal of surrender and action. Jesus states that we will do even greater things than He. For real! Our lifestyle is to be that of a radical nature, contrary to the beliefs and views that others hold. What Jesus has instilled in our hearts is what we are to grasp and push on with. We cannot sit back and allow fear and complacency plague the passions and fire within our hearts. We have the instructions of what we are to do at the end of Mark. Jesus states it to the disciples, and conveys that to us as well. When He left this earth to sit at the right hand of His Father, Holy Spirit, the Counselor was given to guide us.

Holy Spirit-Revolutionary

Holy Spirit leads us in every precession of our lives. Every step we take, every word we speak is to be hinged on the words and impressions of Holy Spirit. There is no greater wisdom or knowledge except that that comes form our Counselor. The one who dwells within our souls, keeping us in direct contact with our Papa. When we pray, even in utterances beyond understanding, Holy Spirit intercedes with groans and prayer on our behalf. Our lives are a leading of radical and unfathomable desires, led by Holy Spirit. Our conscience is by that wisdom and knowledge the Father reveals through Holy Spirit. In which we pour these things out on those around us, bringing revolution: a sudden, radical, or complete change. Holy Spirit is what changes hearts and minds, brining the impression of the presence and glory of the Father. To be revolutionary is to bring about a shift in what lives look like. There is nothing greater.

These things have been revealed to me the past few weeks. Starting with a sermon my pastor shared one Sunday. I wanted to share with you all, what God is trying to convey our lives be like. How we are to interact on an intimate level with the Trinity. There is a desire for our lives to be revolutionary, reaching to the lost, building those up around us, and ultimately establishing the Kingdom here on earth.
